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Over the course of 4.5 months last year I was taking Japanese lessons once a week through a school in Toronto which focuses on immersive language learning. I learned so much during my time in class but wasn't able to keep up studying due to other life commitments. With some renewed motivation, I have decided to pick back up my leaning and try to take a different approach to traditional in class learning.

I have spent the last 70 days learning Japanese. I am using an application called Anki to help me with my studying.

At the moment I am working my way through a flashcard deck containing 1250 Kanji cards called Recognition Remembering the Kanji. This deck was created based on the book Remember the Kanji by James W. Heisig to help people break Kanji down into individual "primitives". The book enforces the use of adding mnemonics to the individual primitives to assits with memory recall.

You can follow my progress below!

Progress of the RRTK Anki Deck

Complete! Now to review 🚀

Once I complete my first pass of the RRTK Deck, I will be start working on vocabulary using the Tango N5 book and supplementary Anki deck. This will hopefully kickstart my vocabulary learning.

Progress of the Tango N5 Anki Deck

27 days remaining